Pirtek commits to:
Company Policies
Quality Policy
To continually surpass every customer’s expectation of quality of service, in all of our operational areas whilst striving individually and collectively for improvement, a guarantee never to compromise. To maintain our registration to BS EN ISO 9001 by a certification body who themselves are accredited with UKAS. The implementation of the policy ensures that the documented quality management system is continually reviewed for its continued suitability, to assist in meeting and reviewing the business objective, its effectiveness in maintaining efficiency, business objectives and all members of staff informed of the policy during the induction process or posted office notice boards.
Health & Safety Policy
The overall responsibility for Health and Safety lies with Mr. Chris Stuckey (the Board Director responsible for Health & Safety) for Pirtek UK Ltd and Pirtek Europe, (together the company), who are part of a multiple franchised operation and who shall keep all employees, customers, contractors, and visitors, advised as to their responsibilities and those of the Company in
respect of Health and Safety matters.
The Director is committed to providing, and maintaining a working environment that ensures the Health and Safety of the employees, customers, contractors, and visitors. The Director seeks to prevent accidents, illnesses, and ill health by ensuring that Health & Safety considerations are at the heart of everything. The Director shall ensure that everyone who works for the Company actively takes part in, and supports this policy.
Employees, customers, contractors, and visitors are of paramount importance, and the Director sees these people as a valuable asset to the business.
The Director recognises and accepts his responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act: 1974, and its regulations that affects the business, and in order to comply with the regulations shall:
Provide the necessary communication, information, instruction, training, and supervision to ensure the Health and Safety of employees, customers, contractors, and visitors.
Provide and maintain plant and equipment with systems that are safe and without risk to health, a safe place of work, and safe methods of work (including ensuring that all equipment has all the necessary safety devices installed).
“So far as is reasonably practicable” shall ensure that satisfactory financial resources are provided, and the support available in meeting this policy, and the methods that are in place.
Ensure that effective: planning, control, and monitoring of all sites within the Director’s control, are established and maintained.
Identify substances that are potentially hazardous to health, and to make sure that arrangements are implemented to control the risk these substances pose.
Ensure that effective arrangements are in place to deal with injuries, and to reduce the effects of any incident(s) that could result in an injury, ill health, or damage to the environment.
Establish, and maintain registration to BS OHSAS 18001, legal and statutory requirements.
Objectives shall be set, and reviewed to ensure continued improvements and effectiveness.
Ensure that effective risk assessments are carried out.
The Director and the employees of the Company shall strive to improve the Health and Safety culture, and to ensure continued effectiveness.
This policy shall be reviewed as a minimum annually to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate.
Environmental Policy
The overall responsibility for Environmental requirements lies with Mr. Chris Stuckey (a Board Director) for Pirtek UK Ltd. (the Company), who are part of a multiple franchised operation, and who shall keep all employees, customers, contractors, and visitors, advised as to their responsibilities and those of the Company in respect of Environmental issues.
The Company is committed to leading it’s industry in minimising, and reducing the impact of its activities on the environment whilst operating the Depot, and managing MSSTs with Equipped Mobile Workshops.
The key points of the Company’s strategy to achieve this Policy are:
Ensure that staff is trained, and aware of how their actions can adversely affect the environment. Employees, suppliers and customers shall be encouraged to
understand and recognise their obligations regarding environmental protection and continual improvements.
Minimise “waste” by preventing waste, and by evaluating stock management and ensuring that procurement is efficient, including weekly ordering of components and material; whilst recognising that the Company is a responsive operation. Ensure that Hazardous Waste is transported, stored, and consigned: meeting statutory legislation.
Minimise toxic (Diesel) emissions through the selection and use of its fleet of vehicles, and the allocation of the MSST to jobs.
Actively promote recycling, using appropriate storage “bins,” and where possible and practicable: amongst customers and suppliers.
Establish, and maintain registration to ISO 14001, legal & statutory requirements, plus requirements from the Company.
Environmental objectives shall be set, and reviewed to ensure continued improvements and effectiveness of the system(s).
Provide the necessary communication, information, instruction, training, and
supervision to prevent pollution to the environment.
This policy shall be made available to the public, with a signed copy retained in the General Office.
Requests from third parties for a copy of any serious impacts to the Environment shall be directed to, and provided at the discretion of the Licensee.
This policy shall be reviewed as a minimum annually to ensure that it remains
relevant and appropriate.

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